Book Your Initial Coaching Call

I’m excited to get to hear about your writing!

Please book your initial 20 minute coaching call by clicking this link.

This is our “getting to know you” call to chat about your writing and what you’re hoping to get from coaching. (It’s fine if you’re not sure or if you don’t know what you want to write at the moment … we can work on that too.)

Note: I’ll email you with the booking link too, so don’t worry if you’re not ready to book right now. If you forget, I’ll follow up by email in a few days time to remind you.

The times should show up in your own timezone and you’ll get an email confirmation after your booking. If you can’t find a time that suits you, just drop me an email at and we’ll figure something out.

Get Your FREE Mini-Ebook

Want to fit more writing into your busy life?


My mini-ebook Time to Write has all the tips you need to get started. 


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Note: I will never spam you or pass on your email address to anyone else. You can leave the newsletter list at any time.

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