Editing Essentials

Guide & Extras



Do you need to self-edit your fiction?

Whether you’ve got a short story draft that you want to send off for a competition, a novel excerpt you’re going to workshop with your writers’ group, or even a full manuscript, Editing Essentials is here to help.

It runs through the 20 most common mistakes I see when coaching writers … and in published work.

All of these mistakes are straightforward to fix, when you know how to spot them and what to do about them.

Editing Essentials includes clear examples, usually with a “before” and “after” so you can see exactly how I’d fix the mistake in a specific passage of text.

I’ll be adding to Editing Essentials during 2025 based on your feedback. You’ll get these updates completely free. 🙂


Here’s What’s Included

Editing Essentials Guide

Editing Essentials is a guide to the 20 most common mistakes I see in writing.

These aren’t things like spelling mistakes or typos, which your spellchecker or Grammarly can sort out for you. Instead, I’m digging into common issues with dialogue, action, and narrative.

Editing Essentials is your handbook for polishing up a rough draft into a strong piece of writing. It’s ideal for using any time you’re going to be showing your writing to someone else, like a critique partner, a writers’ group, or a paid editor.

Extra Goodies

Editing Essentials comes with a couple of extras:

#1: A printable quick reference version of the 20 mistakes

This printable quick reference runs through each mistake briefly, making it a great resource to use after you’ve read the guide and while you’re editing your work.

#2: A guide to formatting and punctuating dialogue

A lot of writers struggle with formatting and punctuating their dialogue correctly. (I see this not only in my clients’ work, but also in self-published and traditionally published books.) This bonus takes you through everything you need to know about setting out your dialogue correctly.



Image of the first 3 pages of Editing Essentials
Editing Essentials: screenshot of the first page of the quick reference guide

About Ali

I’m Ali Luke, and I’ve seen a lot of writers’ work over the years! I participated in and ran various writing groups during my student years (I studied English at Cambridge University then Creative Writing at Goldsmiths College, University of London). Since then, I’ve been freelance writing (16 years and counting), coaching writers, and blogging about writing here at Aliventures.

As well as loving writing itself, I love working with writers to help them to strengthen their work and bring out their unique voice and story. While I believe direct feedback (either one-to-one or in a group) is the very best way to improve as a writer, Editing Essentials will give you a big helping hand too.

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It's a completely private group, so only fellow members of the group will see what you post.

You can join as soon as you buy. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

Don’t Miss Out!

All these mistakes are easy to fix in your writing … when you know how. That’s what Editing Essentials shows you.

As soon as you buy, you’ll get full access to Editing Essentials and the extras.

If you buy Editing Essentials and later decide it’s not right for you, just let me know within 30 days and I’ll gladly refund you in full.

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