Ever wanted to meet me in real life? You’ve got a few opportunities coming up… and I’m letting you know now so that you can book well in advance, and make any necessary travel plans.

Here’s what I’ve got in my diary for May and June:

26th – 27th May 2012: fictionfire Day Courses (for novelists)

In Oxford, UK. (My hometown, and a fantastic city for writers!)

Sat 26th May, 9.40am – 5pm: Publish It!

Sun 27th May, 9.40am – 5pm: Market It!

These are #3 and #4 in a series of four day courses organised by the wonderful Lorna Fergusson of fictionfire; you can find full details and book here. (The first two, which Lorna is running, are are Write It! and Edit It! and take place the previous weekend.)

These sessions are aimed at novelists, and we’ll cover traditional publishing as well as self-publishing in both print and ebook format.

I’ll be speaking at Publish It! and Market It! along with Lorna, and with Joanna Penn from The Creative Penn.

There’s currently an early-bird rate of £75/day (you can book one day, all four, or anything in between…) so book soon! If you’re interested in staying over a weekend, Lorna has a list of local accommodation.

5th – 7th June 2012: BlogWorld New York (for bloggers/podcasters)

New York, USA.

BlogWorld takes place between 5th and 7th June in New York.

Tip: Early-bird registration is incredibly good value this year – if you register by 22nd Feb, you can attend all three days of the event from just $147. You can also currently get a virtual ticket for $147, if you can’t make it in person.

I’ll be speaking for an hour on Four Simple Steps for Editing Your Own Writing.

(I don’t have the day/time for my session yet, so if you want to be sure of hearing me speak, book all three days.)

22nd – 24th June 2012: Winchester Writers’ Conference (for fiction and non-fiction writers)

Winchester, UK.

I’m planning to be at the annual Winchester Writers’ Conference, and may get the chance to speak there too. If not, I’ll just enjoy all the great learning and hanging out with writers!

The Winchester Writers’ Conference takes place on the University of Winchester’s campus from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th June. The programme (with booking form) hasn’t yet been released — it usually comes out in late March or early April. You can find out more here.


Hope to see you at one (or more!) of these events. 🙂

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