Interview with Mark Gottlieb, New York Literary Agent

#1: What’s a typical day like for you, as an agent in New York?

#2: What sort of manuscript would you love to find on your desk / in your inbox?
An ideal project would carry an important social message or moral to the story, and while not only being beautifully written, it should be accessible or have some aspects of commercialism to the writing, even if it is literary fiction. We represent all genres, generally excluding poetry, short stories, novellas, and textbooks. We are always seeing a high demand for commercial fiction, genre fiction, thrillers, women’s fiction, romance, YA, literary/general fiction, high-end nonfiction and health books written by authors with major platforms in the areas of history/politics/current affairs, business books and celebrity nonfiction.#3: Are there any genres or types of book that you would never represent?
Generally speaking, I am not interested in struggling genres such as cozy mysteries, erotica, urban fantasy, horror, paranormal romance, and personal (non-celebrity) memoir.#4: A lot of authors dread writing a synopsis and covering letter. How important are these to you … and how do people typically go wrong?
Query Letters
My advice to authors along the querying process is to really nail the writing of that query letter. A query letter that reads well is usually a good indication to the literary agent that the manuscript will similarly read well, inclining the literary agent to request a manuscript. Often the query letter can go on to become the publisher’s jacket copy, were the publisher to acquire the manuscript via the literary agent. A good query letter is: upfront in one-two sentences what the book is about in hook or elevator pitch fashion (should mention the title, lend a sense of genre, and contain one-three competitive/comparative titles that were bestsellers or award-winners, published within the last few years). If the author has pre-publication blurbs, those can appear before those first two sentences. Next is a couple of body paragraphs detailing some of the plot details without too many spoilers and in that space the literary merits of the manuscript can be mentioned. The last paragraph is usually reserved for a short author bio, mentioning relevant writing experience/credentials, and a link to an author site or social media page(s) can be included there. The Trident Media Group literary agency prefers to be queried by authors via our website at Our query letter instructions are there.The Synopsis
Despite the struggle to write a synopsis, such a document can come in handy, especially once a manuscript is on submission and a publisher is struggling to get coverage within the publishing house. That struggle can intensify once an offer is on the table from a competing publisher, but a synopsis can alleviate that tension and thereby help other publishers compete with offers on the table by getting the right coverage they need on short notice. A synopsis should contain exciting spoilers and be complete, containing the exposition, conflict and resolution of the narrative. The reader of the synopsis should experience the primary characters there. I usually suggest a synopsis not exceed one or two pages double-spaced.#5: Do you look more favourably on writers who already have titles available, and maybe a mailing list, or does it really just come down to the book?
I’m finding that the importance of platform in an author’s career has also made its way into the world of fiction, to an extent. In looking for an ideal fiction client with a platform, I look for authors that have good writing credentials such as experience with writing workshops, conferences, or smaller publications in respected literary magazines. Having awards, bestseller status, a strong online presence, or pre-publication blurbs in-hand for one’s manuscript is also very promising in the eyes of a literary agent. Platform is even more important in considering nonfiction authors. It is not enough for an author of nonfiction to be a respected authority on their subject matter—it’s important to publishers to know that such authors have a big online presence or social media following. That’s why selling celebrity fiction to publishers is almost a no-brainer. Publishers get this strange thought in their minds that if any given celebrity has 100,000 followers or more, if even just ten percent of those followers buy the book, then the publisher is already in good shape.#5: If an author has already self-published the book they’re sending you, is that a plus or a minus, in terms of you potentially taking that book on?
The self-publishing/indie sphere has become something of what the farm league is to major league baseball, but the odds of that success can be lower than were an author to try and approach a literary agent as an author attempting to make their major debut in trade publishing. The bar is quite high in terms of self-publishing to attract an agent or publisher. An author usually needs to have sold at least 50,000 copies at a decent price. If an author is involved in the writing community at a grassroots level with conferences, workshops and has published in esteemed literary magazines, then that can help. As far as an insider tip goes, it’s great to see an author that comes to us with pre-publication blurbs from bestselling and award-winning authors. So it certainly doesn’t hurt to reach out to well-known authors and ask them to review your work, if they’re interested and if they indicate they do like it, see if they’ll provide a short blurb. Also listing a few competitive / comparative titles that were bestsellers and / or award-winners, published within the last few years, is also key for a literary agent’s consideration. At the end of the day, though, the manuscript must be an amazing read.#6: What big changes do you think are likely to happen in the publishing industry over the next five years?
It has become all too easy for an author to feel discouraged and turn to self-publishing or small indie publishing. However, many successful self-published authors eventually go into traditional publishing in order to take advantage of having a team of professionals who help them take their work to the next level. A literary agency with industry knowledge and expertise can bring a huge value add to the table for an author, evidenced by many of the success stories we’ve created for our clients, the bulk of which are award-winning and bestselling authors. We’ve actually built a lot of self-published success stories into mega-bestsellers, giving authors a Godzilla-like footprint in the industry. Trident Media Group is a full-service literary agency for authors, handling accounting, legal review, management, foreign rights (books in translation), book-to-film/TV, audio books, etc. We’re also a literary agency with tremendous clout in the industry, so we can get many things for authors from publishers and film / TV buyers that an author otherwise would not be able to get on their own. I’d like to think that a literary agency would save an author a lot of headaches in order to help the author focus in on their own writing, thereby allowing the author to become more prolific. Meanwhile, the literary agent would work in concert with their subsidiary rights people and departments within the literary agency. In looking at a literary agent and considering paying them a commission on a deal, an author should be asking what they stand to gain in having a literary agent.Marketing Books in a Digital World
The digital landscape has seen our literary agency evolve. Thanks to the tremendous resources available to our company and our Digital Media and Publishing department, Trident Media Group often helps our clients in their marketing/publicity efforts. We also try to put the publisher on the hot seat in encouraging them to perform marketing/publicity tasks for the author, by sharing ideas and having in-depth meetings with publishers. Trident will also make recommendations to our clients on how they can think about improving their social media presence and look to online efforts to market / promote their books. Otherwise, book publishers normally devote their marketing dollars and other resources toward authors that are huge successes or are making a major debut. We at Trident might even recommend a private book publicity firm to a client, but that doesn’t come cheap. An author should still know that their role in marketing and promoting the book is integral to the process since, at the end of the day, readers / fans will want to hear from the author. It is no lie that an author receives a larger share of royalties in the digital space in self-publishing, but there’s still a common misconception there. In self-publishing, authors sell in smaller numbers than a literary agent and publisher could do for an author. Authors that self-publish are primarily in the digital format, rather than being in the other revenue tributaries of major trade publishing. Overall it’s better to diversify one’s publishing portfolio with a major trade publisher, offering various publishing formats, online and physical retailers, etc.#7: If you could give all aspiring novelists one piece of advice, what would it be?
The most important advice I can give to writers just starting out is to learn and grow from constructive criticism and rejection, rather than being discouraged by that feedback. It is not an editor or literary agent saying the author’s writing is not good—we’re saying the writing is not good enough, at least not yet. So, hang in there… Whether you’re seeking an agent or striking out on your own in the world of self-publishing, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this interview. Just drop a comment below.About
I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.
Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.
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If you're new, welcome! These posts are good ones to start with:
Can You Call Yourself a “Writer” if You’re Not Currently Writing?
The Three Stages of Editing (and Nine Handy Do-it-Yourself Tips)
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My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.
You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.
Hi, this is a great interview from the agent of a friend of mine. I have signed a contract for my debut novel which is coming out in the fall of next year and my next ambition is to gain representation for my future novels. Mark is the type of agent I would love to work with and Andrew swears by him. I do believe that an agent is the way forward if you are serious about your career as an author. Whilst concentrating on writing and building my platform I will be putting a lot of work into gaining representation in the future.
Ooh, congrats on your contract and debut novel, Carl — hope all goes super-smoothly with that!
I think it’s brilliant that there are so many options for authors in publishing right now, and I absolutely agree with you and Mark that agents can add a lot of value. I don’t think traditional publishing is the best route for every author and every book, but it’s clearly a great fit for many. (And I know a number of “hybrid” authors — including me! — who have some self-published and some traditionally published books.)
I really admire his lifestyle,his job is not that easy and knows how to deal with it.
Rodrigo Pittman’s last blog post ..A Poker Room in the Mountains
Hello Ali,
I really appreciated this article because of the great questions that I happened to be thinking of at the time when you created them. They were much needed and Mark provided a litany of knowledge in a brief amount of time. I have a pitch session with Mark in a week, and this interview helps me understand him and his job duties a little bit better.
So, thank you for sharing this interview. 🙂
So glad this was helpful, Preston! 🙂 And good luck with your pitch session — how exciting!