by Ali | Nov 12, 2018 | Fiction
Eight Easy(ish) Ways to Finish the First Draft of Your Novel I’m doing NaNoWriMo this month – maybe you are too? (For the uninitiated, “NaNoWriMo” stands for National Novel Writing Month. It happens every November, where people all over the world try to write a 50,000...
by Ali | Oct 15, 2018 | Motivation
Twelve Excuses Writers Make (and How to Overcome Them) What are your excuses for not writing? I’m sure they’re good ones, because I have plenty of good excuses, too! And I don’t want you to think I’m being dismissive or unkind about your excuses – our reasons for not...
by Ali | Oct 1, 2018 | Creativity
Welcome Back to Aliventures: Here’s What’s New It’s taken me a little longer than I’d hoped … but the new Aliventures is now here! Hurrah! (And welcome back.) 🙂 If you’re reading this on the website, rather than in your inbox or RSS reader, you’ll...
by Ali | Aug 6, 2018 | Marketing
Your Summer Reading: The Blogger’s Guides, Study Packs, Blog Posts, and Novels I’m taking a break from blogging on Aliventures over the summer – I’ll be back in late September with a spruced-up blog design and plenty of posts lined up for the rest of 2018. In the...
by Ali | Jul 23, 2018 | Fiction
The Two Scenes in Your Novel That Will Need the Most Rewriting Novels are tricky. There’s so much to juggle that no-one gets it quite right the first time round … and most authors end up doing wholesale rewrites, rather than just making a few editorial tweaks. I’ve...