How Does Editing Best Fit Into the Writing Process? Four Key Options to Consider

How Does Editing Best Fit Into the Writing Process? Four Key Options to Consider

Title image: How Does Editing Fit Best Into the Writing Process? Four Key Options to Consider

When do you stop drafting and start editing?

There are lots of different ways you might approach rewriting and editing your novel … and I’m not going to tell you that there’s one “perfect” method you need to follow.

Broadly speaking, though, there are several different approaches writers tend to take. We’re going to run through some pros and cons of each.

Note: I’m primarily thinking about editing in terms of novels (or short stories), but if you’re working on non-fiction, there’s still plenty here that applies to you.


Is First Person Point of View Right for Your Story? Five Approaches (+ Examples)

Is First Person Point of View Right for Your Story? Five Approaches (+ Examples)

Title image: Is First Person Point of View Right for Your Story? Five Approaches (+ Examples)

First person point of view is hugely popular in certain genres: YA and Romance, in particular. It’s also a perfectly fine choice for literary fiction—think David Copperfield (narrated by David Copperfield) or To Kill a Mockingbird (narrated by Scout Finch). But is it the right option for your story?

We’re going to take a look at different approaches to the first person perspective and different examples of it, but first, we’ll clarify what first person point of view is.



I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children. Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

Start Here

If you’re new, welcome! These posts are good ones to start with:

Can You Call Yourself a “Writer” if You’re Not Currently Writing? 

The Three Stages of Editing (and Nine Handy Do-it-Yourself Tips)

What to Do When Your Writing Goals Seem a Long Way Off

If you’d like more suggestions, head to the “Start Here” page:


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