Book Your Blog Critique

Just fill in the form below to book your Blog Critique.

It’ll normally take me 1 – 2 weeks to get back to you; if you need feedback urgently (e.g. you’re about to launch a product or do a guest posting campaign), let me know and I’ll try to fit you in sooner!

If your blog is still very much under construction, if your post is a rough draft, or if there’s anything else you want to tell me, just put those details in below.

Remember, you’ve got up to three months, so you don’t have to book straight away if you’d prefer to wait. I’ll email the link to this page to you, so you don’t lose it.

If you have any problems at all using the form, you can book your critique by emailing your blog’s URL and your blog post straight to me at

    Name (required)

    Email address (required)

    Blog URL (required) (this is the address of your blog, e.g. mine is

    Blog post URL (link) or title for the post you want me to review (if it's already published on your blog)

    OR ... upload your draft post (.doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf; only if you've not given a post URL above)

    Is there anything else you want to tell me?

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