Get re-inspired and join other bloggers in this practical online course.

Blog On: Get Your Blog Into Great Shape … In Just Eight Weeks

Blog On is an eight-week online course aimed at any blogger wanting to get back into their blogging grove.

The modules cover all the core aspects of building a great blog: focusing on the right topics to meet your blogging goals; writing excellent, well structured posts; crafting crucial pages for your site; and coming up with plenty of ideas and post plans to take you forward.

I’ve been running the Blog On course for several years, but for 2018, I’ve completely rewritten it to take into account new changes in blogging and – most importantly! – to make sure that it’s a good fit for all bloggers. Whether you run your blog as a hobby, an outlet, a non-profit, an online portfolio or a small business, Blog On is for you.

Blog On costs just $39.99 for the full eight week course (which works out to just under $5 per week).

Registration closes at the end of Thursday 24th May.

Eight Weeks Full of Insights and Action:
Just $39.99

Module #1: What's Your Blog All About ... and Who's Reading?

This module covers:

Knowing why you’re blogging – understanding what you want to achieve with your blog

Figuring out who you’re writing for — deciding on the readership you need to aim for to reach your goals

Choosing (or refining) your blog’s topic – knowing what to write about in order to reach your ideal readers

Module #2: Classic Blog Post Structure: How to Get it Right

This module covers:

The four key components of every blog post – the title, introduction, main body and conclusion

Examples of how each of those elements works – we look at how three very different posts are put together

How to get each section of your post right – by avoiding common mistakes and by using simple techniques effectively

Module #3: Your Contact Page: Clear, Concise ... and Crucial

This module covers:

Why a contact page is important – learn what to call it and where to place it in your blog’s navigation

What to include on your contact page – so that it’s easy for your readers to connect to you in their preferred way

How to write and structure your page – with a contact form to encourage readers to engage with you

Module #4: Writing a Great List Post that Readers Will Love

This module covers:

Why list posts (with numbered sections) are so popular – and how to come up with a great idea for yours

How to structure your list for maximum effect – whatever type of post you’re writing

Ways to use a list structure to create different types of posts – from “how to”s to lists of recommended resources

Module #5: Your About Page: You, Your Blog ... and Your Readers

This module covers:

What to include on your About page – so you deliver the information that readers are looking for, and you establish a personal connection with them

How to create an “About” snippet for your sidebar – to help make a connection with new readers

Examples of About pages that you can learn from – plus tips on what not to do

Module #6: Advanced Formatting: Quotes, Links and Subheadings

This module covers:

Why extra formatting can make all the difference – with “before” and “after” examples

Different formatting elements you can use  with step-by-step instructions on quotes, links and nested subheadings

How these elements can help you reach your goals they aren’t just about the visual look and feel of your post

Module #7: Blog Pages: Services, Products, and Recommendations

This module covers:

The difference between “posts” and “pages” – and knowing which you should use when

Writing a “services” or “products” page – for bloggers who sell a service (like freelancing) or a product (like a book) from their blog

Creating a “recommended resources” page – and why this is such a useful page for any blog to have

Module #8: Creating a Content Calendar Packed with Great Ideas

This module covers:

What a content calendar is and why you need one – with different examples of how you can create it

How to come up with ideas for your blog – even if you think you don’t have anything to write about

Why “batch producing” posts is so helpful – and how to plan out several posts at once (you’ll finish this module with your next four posts outlined)

What Others Have Said …

I have found Ali’s work to be consistently useful and this course is no exception. The course takes you step by step, through what you need to do to write good, solid blog posts. 

I have admired Ali’s writing for a long time and have often visited her site to get inspiration about how to write or structure a post so it is great to go “behind the scenes” and learn more for myself about writing excellent web content.

Jen M. Smith

You will not just learn how to create different types of blog posts.  You will also learn how that same knowledge can be applied again and again for bigger, better and longer pieces. 

You see Ali isn’t just thinking about her students whilst they are in her course.  She is thinking about how her students can use the same knowledge in two months or two years time.

Ainslie Hunter

Registration closes at the end of Thursday 24th May.

New for Blog On 2018

As well as rewriting every single module (!), I’ve introduced a couple of completely new elements to Blog On for 2018, to help you get as much as possible out of the course.

The price, however, remains unchanged at $39.99 for everything.

Your Private Facebook Group

We have a Facebook group where you can meet other members of the course — and where you can ask any questions you want.

This is a private, members-only group, so no-one will see your posts except fellow bloggers taking the course alongside you.

After the course is over, the Facebook group will remain online so that you can continue to stay in touch easily. Of course, you can leave the Facebook group at any time while retaining full access to Blog On itself.

(If you don’t use Facebook, you’re also welcome to email me questions at any time. I’d encourage all bloggers to strongly consider joining Facebook, though, as it can be a great way to connect with fellow bloggers and with blog readers.)

Your Reward Card: Get a Hefty Discount on Your Next Course

Although you can work through Blog On at your own pace, you’ll get the best possible results if you finish a module each week, along with the rest of the group.

Each week, we have a “check in” topic on Facebook: all members are encouraged to post here once they’ve completed that week’s module. The deadline is the end of the Sunday (so for Week 1, the module comes out on Monday 28th May and the deadline for checking in is 11:59 on Sunday 4th June).

If you check in before the module’s deadline, you get a stamp on your (virtual!) card. Each stamp equals 5% off a future course.

You start with two stamps just for joining Blog On, so you can get a total of ten stamps – meaning 50% off. This can be redeemed on any of my other online courses, including “Successful Guest Posting [Blog On #2]”, which is coming in the autumn.

I’ll give you your stamped reward card as a reply to your check in (or as a reply to your email), each Monday.

(If you don’t use Facebook, you’re welcome to check in for the module by emailing me, and I’ll email your stamped reward card to you.)

What to Expect from Blog On

Here’s how Blog On works:

Written Modules That You Can Read On Any Device … or Print

The whole course is written, so that you easily can go at your own pace (whether that means skimming over material that you’re already confident about, or taking your time and re-reading a particular section). Where appropriate, I’ve included graphics and screenshots to help demonstrate what I’m taking about, e.g. to show you the underlying structure of a blog post.

You can see the first page of Module #1 to the right.

Occasionally, the course also includes links to useful videos, but these are optional and not part of the core materials.


Easy Access to All Modules Straight From Your Inbox

Each week’s module is delivered to you as a .pdf file that you can read online or offline on any computer or device, or even print out.

Every email I send will contain links to the previous modules’ .pdfs too, so that if you misplace an email, you can still easily find the materials. I’ll also post the modules in our Facebook group.

At the end of the course, you’ll receive all eight modules as a single .pdf for easy reference.


All the Help and Support You Need … From Me and From Fellow Members

We have a Facebook group where you can chat to other members and get help directly from me. This is also where you can “check in” each week to let us know that you’ve completed your assignments and get stamps on your Blog On rewards card.

If you don’t use Facebook, or if you prefer to contact me privately, you’re welcome to email me at any time during the course and I’ll be glad to help you.

Your Money-Back Guarantee

I know it can be tricky to decide whether a course is going to be the right one for you.

If you join Blog On and find it isn’t quite what you needed, you can email me for a full no-quibbles refund at any point up until the end of Module #4.

Registration closes at the end of Thursday 24th May.

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