Welcome to Blog On!

Thanks for joining Blog On!

This page is your handy one-stop reference, so you know where to find everything and you’ve got a clear idea of what’s coming up. Over the next eight weeks, we’re going to be covering four key types of post:

  • How-to posts – which teach readers to accomplish a specific task
  • List posts – which offer a number of different ideas, tips or techniques
  • Link posts – which provide a round-up of interesting articles/books in your niche
  • Review posts – which let readers know what’s worth buying (and earn you some commission too)

The focus of the course is on getting you to plan, write and publish posts on your own blog. Each of the four modules is split into short lessons which take you step-by-step through writing a specific post.

Note: You’re signed up to Blog On under your PayPal email address. If you’d like to use a different address to login and/or to receive the emails (which will alert you to new course content) then just let me know via email (ali@aliventures.com) or the contact form, and I’ll sort it out!


I’ve set up a page where you can introduce yourself and tell me (and everyone else!) what you’re hoping to get from Blog On:

Blog On – Introductions


To keep things relaxed, we’re tackling one post every two weeks. On the alternative weeks, we’ll have a group update where I answer questions and critique two posts for the group to learn from, and where we can share success stories.

If you have the Gold membership, you’ll also receive three extra modules to help you create or spruce up a page on your blog.

Week 1: Mon 6th June Module 1 – How-to posts
Week 2: Mon 13th June Group update
Extra Module 1 – Your Contact page
Week 3: Mon 20th June Module 2 – List posts
Week 4: Mon 27th June Group update
Extra Module 2 – Your About page
Week 5: Mon 4th July Module 3 – Link posts
Week 6: Mon 11th July Group update
Extra Module 3 – Your Services page
Week 7: Mon 18th July Module 4 – Review posts
Week 8: Mon 25th July Group update

Course Contents

You can find links to all the Blog On materials here on the contents page. If you ever get lost or can’t find a particular module or lesson, that’s your first port of call. (And if you’re still stuck, just contact me.)


There’s an assignment listed at the end of nearly every lesson, except for the final lesson in each module. You can also find a checklist of all the assignments (with links to the lessons) here:

Blog On: Assignments Checklist

Your deadlines for finishing and publishing your posts are:

Sunday 12th June (23:59 PST) – How-to Post – turn it in here

Sunday 26th June (23:59 PST) – List Post – turn it in here

Sunday 10th July (23:59 PST) – Link Post – turn it in here

Sunday 24th July (23:59 PST) – Review Post – turn it in here

Prize Draw

To help you stay motivated (and, well, just for fun!) we’re having a prize draw at the end of the course. For every post which you complete and turn in on time, you’ll get one entry into the draw. You can find the full details of the prize draw here.

Comments Sections

At the bottom of each lesson, there’s a comment section where you can leave questions, ideas or thoughts. I’ll be reading all the comments. Feel free to reply to other members, especially if you have an idea or answer which could help someone out.

Contacting Me

If you have a question about a lesson, it’s useful if you post it in the comments – that way, other people can see the answer too. You can also contact me privately using the Blog On contact form, so that your message gets top priority in my inbox.


Ready to get started? Head on over to the full Blog On contents to see what lessons are coming up, and to download your free bonuses.

You can start getting to know fellow Blog On members on the Introductions page – leave a comment and let us know what you’ve got planned.

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