In-Depth Articles About ... Motivation

What’s “Real” Writing – and Does Yours Count?

What’s “Real” Writing – and Does Yours Count?

Do you ever worry that your writing doesn’t really “count” somehow? The first time I felt this was back in 2008 – 2009, when I had two major strands to my writing: my freelance blogging that paid the bills, and my fiction that I was writing as part of an MA degree…

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Seven Ways to Get Other People to Respect Your Writing Time

Seven Ways to Get Other People to Respect Your Writing Time

Picture this: You sit down to write, having managed to summon up the last dregs of your energy at the end of a long day … and your housemate pulls up a chair next to you to tell you all about the terrible date they went on the previous night. Or your spouse decides...

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Is Writing a Novel a “Someday” Dream for You?

Is Writing a Novel a “Someday” Dream for You?

Note: This post was originally published in 2016, and was updated in January 2019. Are you thinking of writing a novel someday? Maybe you’re waiting because you don’t have an idea, yet. Maybe you’re waiting because you don’t have much time, right now. Maybe you’re...

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Twelve Excuses Writers Make (and How to Overcome Them)

Twelve Excuses Writers Make (and How to Overcome Them)

What are your excuses for not writing? I’m sure they’re good ones, because I have plenty of good excuses, too! And I don’t want you to think I’m being dismissive or unkind about your excuses – our reasons for not writing are generally based on real difficulties, or real fears. So if you’ve used any of the excuses on this list…

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When Can You Call Yourself a “Writer”?

When Can You Call Yourself a “Writer”?

This is a question that comes up a lot for newer writers. When can I call myself a “writer”? Well, there’s no rule about it. Being a writer isn’t like being a doctor or a lawyer – you don’t need any special qualifications. That can be very helpful, but it can also be...

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Twelve Wise and Inspiring Quotes About Writing

Twelve Wise and Inspiring Quotes About Writing

December is always a big month for me: I love celebrating Christmas and the New Year, of course, but it’s also when my birthday falls (on December 12th). For me, this time of year always involves some reflection on how the past eleven and a bit months...

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Should You Be More Business-Like About Your Writing?

Should You Be More Business-Like About Your Writing?

One piece of common advice in the world of writing is “treat your writing as a business”. But like the idea of striving to write faster and faster ... is it really such an equivocally good idea after all? I have a writing business: for eight years now, my...

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Are You Planning Your Writing Career … or Winging It?

Are You Planning Your Writing Career … or Winging It?

If you’re a novelist, you’ve probably come across two different camps of people: the “plotters” and the “pantsers” (seat-of-the-pants writers). While there’s no right way to approach a novel, I’ve definitely started moving from the “pantser” to the...

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Is Your Writing Art – and Should it Be?

Is Your Writing Art – and Should it Be?

Welcome to the revamped Aliventures! If you’re reading this by email or RSS, you might want to pop over to the site ( to see how it looks. I've got a new tagline for the site, up there in the banner (along with the rather huge picture of...

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If You’ve Only Got 15 Minutes, Is It Even Worth Writing?

If You’ve Only Got 15 Minutes, Is It Even Worth Writing?

Sometimes, life is so busy that it’s a real challenge to find any writing time at all. Right now, my two delightful little ones take up a lot of time and energy. We’re also about to move house and writing time has been hard to come by. [Edit: I spent so long trying...

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There’s Never Enough Time to Write: Here’s Why

There’s Never Enough Time to Write: Here’s Why

I’m back from maternity leave! In fact, I’ve been sort-of-back for over a month. But this post maybe explains why the blog has been so quiet... Kitty and Nick, May 2015 I’m going to take a shot in the dark and guess that you’re pretty busy. You don’t...

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2013 in Review and Seven Posts You May Have Missed

2013 in Review and Seven Posts You May Have Missed

The past twelve months have been exciting and busy ones for me. Here are a few highlights: March 2013 – Kitty was born! I blogged about her a couple of months later, here. June 2013 – I opened the doors of Writers’ Huddle permanently – new members can now join at any...

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Failed to Reach Your Writing Targets? Me Too…

Failed to Reach Your Writing Targets? Me Too…

(Image from Flickr by Rennett Stowe) For the last six weeks, I’ve had a straightforward weekly writing target to meet: 3,000 words on my novel. And for two of those six weeks, I failed. Of course, there have been plenty of times in the past when I’ve...

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The One True Path to Writing Success?

The One True Path to Writing Success?

(Image from Flickr by wendysoucie.) Want to know the secret? There is no one true path. There is no one right way. Sure, some bestselling authors / writing tutors / self-proclaimed gurus might insist that their way is the way ... but it isn’t. If you’re a...

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Finding Time – or Making Time – to Write

Finding Time – or Making Time – to Write

Image from Flickr by Dave Stokes One of the biggest problems writers face (80% of Writers’ Huddle members said they struggle with this) is finding enough time to write. You’ve probably tried some of the usual advice – things like: Write for 20 minutes...

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The How and Why of Working With Your Inner Critic

The How and Why of Working With Your Inner Critic

 Image from Flickr by fakelvis The real secret is that anyone can write a book. There’s no initiation ceremony. No dues to pay. You don’t need a special degree from a fancy school. Writing is for everyone, and this is your chance to scrawl your name...

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Aliventures Break (While Ali Has a Baby!)

Aliventures Break (While Ali Has a Baby!)

More bump photos here. As you can probably tell from the photo above, I'll be having a baby soon (due date is 21st February). This is our first child; my husband and I are very much looking forward to welcoming her into the world. So I can concentrate on...

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Six Powerful Quotes to Get You Writing [Guest Post]

Six Powerful Quotes to Get You Writing [Guest Post]

Image from Flickr by peteoshea I’m delighted to welcome Barry Demp, a fantastic business coach from Troy, Michigan, to Aliventures. I’ve been working with Barry since early 2011, and it’s been a great joy to see him find his voice as a writer. His project The Quotable...

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Six Common Writing Excuses (And How to Overcome Them)

Six Common Writing Excuses (And How to Overcome Them)

Image from Flickr by lowjumpingfrog I promised I'd share some of what I learnt at BlogWorld, which took place from 3rd – 5th November. It was a fantastic three days packed with great teaching and awesome friends. Most of the session I went to weren’t very on-topic for...

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Writers Aren’t Normal (And That’s a Good Thing)

Writers Aren’t Normal (And That’s a Good Thing)

Image from Flickr by Dvortygirl If you’re a writer – or if you want to be a writer – then you’re not normal. Most people don’t want to write. They might day-dream about being a best-selling novelist – just like they day-dream about winning the lottery – but they don’t...

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How to Cope When Someone Attacks Your Writing

How to Cope When Someone Attacks Your Writing

Image from Flickr by fakelvis In all honestly Ali, the first paragraph was terrible… In grammar. I was gonna give advice, but it’s just to [sic] much to cover. I’ll give some anyways, though, since that’s what you asked for. Ali, your lead paragraphs need work. I...

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Eight Secrets Which Writers Won’t Tell You

Eight Secrets Which Writers Won’t Tell You

Image from Flickr by Lazurite This is not particularly relevant to the post, but I'm getting an awful lot of comments telling me, often a little snarkily, "it's 'THAT' not 'WHICH'". The "don't use which for restrictive clauses" rule comes (as far as I can tell) from...

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