In-Depth Articles About ... Publishing

Why Your Self-Published Book Needs a Professional Cover

Why Your Self-Published Book Needs a Professional Cover

One of the two crucial things that indie / self-publishing authors should pay for is cover design. (The other is editing.) Here are six different covers. Which ones do you think are self-published? (All of these are taken from the September 2016 and...

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Interview with Mark Gottlieb, New York Literary Agent

Interview with Mark Gottlieb, New York Literary Agent

What are literary agents really after? Do they want first-time authors who’ve already built a huge platform ... or simply a great book? New York agent Mark Gottlieb, who’s currently building his list, has been kind enough to answer some questions about...

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What Should You Pay for When You Self-Publish a Novel?

What Should You Pay for When You Self-Publish a Novel?

One reader asked me to write about, “Self-publishing, whether to use editors, cover designers etc and how much is a reasonable amount to pay them.” This is a big and important question, and one I wanted to tackle on the blog. (I normally run reader...

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Review: Business for Authors, by Joanna Penn

Review: Business for Authors, by Joanna Penn

Back in early 2011, I made the decision to self-publish my novel Lycopolis – and that was largely inspired by Joanna Penn, who was then bringing out her first novel Pentecost. Fast forward three and a half years, and Joanna has now published five full...

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Why Writers Should Fear Obscurity, Not Piracy

Why Writers Should Fear Obscurity, Not Piracy

Image from Flickr by pasukaru76. There’s one question that seems to crop up more than any other in my email inbox, and when I’m talking about self-publishing. And that’s: How do I stop people stealing my book? A lot of new indie authors are worried that...

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6 Reasons Why I Chose to Self-Publish my Novel

6 Reasons Why I Chose to Self-Publish my Novel

Seven months ago, I wrote a rather provocatively-titled post here on Aliventures: Why I’m Giving Up on My Dream. I explained why the writing dream of “get an agent” then “land a book deal” wasn’t looking so great to me anymore. And I outlined my plan to publish...

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Should You Get a Kindle if You’re a Book-Lover?

Should You Get a Kindle if You’re a Book-Lover?

I love books. Always have done. I could read before I started school (thanks to my mum!) – and I spent my childhood and early teens with my nose in a book. At university, I studied English literature for three wonderful years. And when I got married, we had our...

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I’m Back! And Here’s What I Read On Holiday…

I’m Back! And Here’s What I Read On Holiday…

I’ve been back in England for a week, enjoying unseasonably warm weather! I had a wonderful time travelling round Europe with my husband, Paul. We went to: Bucharest and Brasov, in Romania Budapest in Hungary Vienna in Austria Venice and Rome in Italy We saw lots of...

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I’m Back! And Here’s What I Read On Holiday…

Three Indie Author / Self-Publishing Ebooks – Reviewed

A few months ago, I wrote about why I’m planning to self-publish my novel, Lycopolis, as both an ebook and a paperback. (More on that in a couple of months!) The ebook world has moved incredibly fast over the past year, and there are more and more self-publishing...

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Why I’m Giving Up on My Dream

Why I’m Giving Up on My Dream

This isn't a post I ever imagined I'd write. For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a  novelist. Half a lifetime ago, when I was thirteen, I started working on my first novel. (It was pretty crap, for the record, but I learnt a lot.) I've hung around fiction...

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I’m Back! And Here’s What I Read On Holiday…

Indie Publishing: What I Learned from SXSW

I'm back! As you might know, I was in Austin, Texas for the annual South by South West (SXSW) Interactive conference. So what did I get up to? Well, I spent a lot of time hanging out in coffee-shops and at Austin-people's houses – but I managed to catch a few...

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Indie Publishing: Self-Publishing Grows Up

Indie Publishing: Self-Publishing Grows Up

(A screenshot from front page) I've been hanging around in the writing world for twelve years, since I was fourteen. That's when I bought my first book about writing, and when I first went to a writers' group. That was 1999. Lots of things which we pretty...

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If You Don’t Get Published, Is Writing a Waste of Time?

If You Don’t Get Published, Is Writing a Waste of Time?

Like many photos on this site, this is with huge thanks to London lifestyle photographer Antonina Mamzenko. If you've been reading Aliventures for ... ooh, a couple of weeks ... you'll know that I finished a novel, Lycopolis, in 2011. This novel represents hundreds of...

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