Three of my Recent Guest Posts

As well as blogging here on Aliventures, I hop around the web, taking advantage of other people’s lovely blogs and readers too (and you may well have found Aliventures through one of my guest posts…)
Here’s where I’ve been over the past week:
All the below links open in a new tab/window so you don’t lose your place here.
Men with Pens: How to Write a Free Ebook in Just 7 Days
If you want to put together a short ebook (or “report” or “mini-guide”) to promote yourself or your business, this post is aimed at you. I break down the writing process into a seven-day plan … and you can use this for pretty much any sort of content, too. (So if you’re writing fiction, or an epic blog post, take a look.)
Write to Done: How Much Should You Write Every Day?
This post stirred up some great comments, and it’s been fascinating to see how different writers approach their work. As a younger and more anxious writer, I tried and failed to follow advice to hit some magic number of words (often 1,000 words per day) … but we’re all different, and I wrote this to help you find the right routine for you.
OxonDigital: Two Great Reasons to Write an Ebook – and Three Crucial Tips for Getting it Done
In case you didn’t guess from the Men with Pens guest post, I’m a big fan of ebooks (in fact, I’m writing the book on them … Publishing Ebooks for Dummies, scheduled to come out this September :-)) but I’m also aware that an ebook is a pretty daunting project for many writers and business owners.
In this post, I explain why an ebook is a great business asset, and I give three tips on getting it written. The post is aimed at non-fiction writers, but even if you’re a novelist, Tip #3 applies to you…
Heads-up! From April 23rd to May 18th, I’m going to be on a virtual book tour for my novel Lycopolis, visiting lots of different writing-related blogs in the process.
If you’d like a guest post or interview from me, or if you want a review copy of Lycopolis, just let me know in a comment below or send me an email ( I’d love you to be part of my tour. 🙂
I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.
Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.
Start Here
If you're new, welcome! These posts are good ones to start with:
Can You Call Yourself a “Writer” if You’re Not Currently Writing?
The Three Stages of Editing (and Nine Handy Do-it-Yourself Tips)
My Novels
My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.
You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.
Best of luck in your tour, Ali. Knock ’em dead! And if you happen to be in the Harrisburg, PA, USA, area for April 14 or May 12 and want to speak at a small, local writer’s group we’d love to have you. If you can make it drop me a line and I’ll give your more details.
Thanks Stephen! Alas, it’s a tour of the virtual variety, and I’m based in the UK, so won’t be venturing quite that far from home! But I very much appreciate the offer. 🙂
Good Job Ali:)
will check them out : )
Thanks for the links! Will absolutely check them out this coming long weekend! Keep posting^^
Krista Bell’s last blog post ..Regional B2B Sales Professional – Downtown Chicago
You’ve been quite active recently. Read only one, and going to read the rest, but I notice that quality not only that doesn’t suffer with more gigs, but it’s getting better and better. Great job 🙂
Slavko@ Lifestyle Updated’s last blog post ..Healthy eating habits and foods that burn fat