Tomorrow (Friday), at 23:59 PST, I’m going to be closing registration for my newest ecourse, Blog On. It’s an eight-week course delivered online, so you can read the lessons at any time of the day or night.

There are plenty of members in through the doors already, and if you’d like to join them and take your blogging further (or even get it started), then now’s the time! Click here to find out all about Blog On.

To answer a few questions you might have…

“How Much Does it Cost?”

I’ve kept the prices as low as possible:

Silver Membership = $39 (the basic course – four modules, group updates, plenty of support)

Gold Membership = $47 (three extra modules for just $8 more – this is the most popular option)

Platinum Membership = $89 (same as Gold, with a one-to-one coaching session with me thrown in)

“Can I Join Even if I Don’t Have a Blog?”

Yes, absolutely. Several members are only just getting their blogs set up. The course itself is focused on writing, but I’m very happy to answer questions about the technical or business aspects of blogging in the Q&As.

“What if I’m Away During the Course?”

All the content for Blog On is delivered through text, online. You log in and read the lessons and the group updates whenever you want to.

There’s a schedule to prevent you getting overwhelmed, so material is released gradually throughout the course – but you can go more slowly and catch up with some of the modules afterwards, if you prefer.

“When Will You Run Blog On Again?”

At the moment, I don’t plan to run Blog On again until 2012.

“Where Do I Sign Up?”

Right here! Click here to find out all about Blog On and to choose your membership package.


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