A Special Announcement (With Photos!)

15 Aug 2012 | Old post

The first ever pictures of Baby Luke (not Hale … the hospital had my old records!)

I’m thrilled to announce that my husband Paul and I are expecting our first baby.

We had our 12 week scan yesterday, and the baby is doing just fine. Our due date is February 21st, 2013.

This will be the first grandchild for our parents, and the first great-grandchild for all but one of our grandparents. As you can imagine, there’s a lot of excitement in the family!

You might have noticed that I’ve not been quite so present as usual recently: I’ve not been posting much here on Aliventures, I’ve been slow to respond to emails, and I’ve not been tweeting or hanging out on Facebook much. The early weeks of the pregnancy went smoothly, but I was feeling very tired for a good three or four weeks, and prioritised getting as much rest as possible.

Now that we’re into the second trimester, I’m feeling a great deal better, and you can expect to see me around a bit more. πŸ™‚

As well as telling you the good news, I want to keep you in the loop on what will be staying the same and what will be changing:

Aliventures and Writers’ Huddle

I’m refocusing my business a little, so that I have more time to focus on bigger, long-term projects like ebooks and Writers’ Huddle. This isn’t just a baby-related decision … but the pregnancy has been a good prompt for me to get on with making changes.

I’ll be continuing to blog here on Aliventures, though I’ll be taking a break in the early part of 2013. The same goes for the newsletter.

I’m 100% committed to continuing to run Writers’ Huddle, and I’ll ensure there’s someone on hand from Feb – April 2013 to keep things moving smoothly and to handle any technical support.

Because of the baby, though,Β the next Huddle opening will be in October 2012, and I won’t be reopening again the doors again until summer 2013.


I won’t be coaching any more.Β I’ve already said a fond farewell to several clients (if you’re one of them, I’ll be contacting you personally over the next couple of days, now that I can explain the “why”!) and I’m not taking any new clients.

I’ve very much enjoyed being a writing coach, and I’ve been lucky to have so many wonderful clients. The coaching has always been a smallish part of my business, though, and it’s obviously not something I can easily carry on with when I have a small child.


I’m delighted to be able to finally share this with you (it’s been hard keeping it a secret for the past two months!) Rest assured that I won’t be turning Aliventures into a parenting blog… and I hope you’ll forgive this post for being a little off-topic. πŸ˜‰



I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy isΒ available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so readΒ LycopolisΒ first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.


  1. Allison

    HI LITTLE GUY! or girl. XD

    this is wonderful! congrats! so this is why you’ve been a bit slow with emails…O.O great gosh.

    • Ali

      Thank you! Yeah, we won’t know gender for a couple of months yet. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Charlotta!

    • Ali

      Thank you! πŸ™‚ We’re very much looking forward to the adventure of parenthood!

  2. Marcy Kennedy

    Congratulations! Not only is this wonderful news, but it’s very nice to see a successful writer putting her family first. Too many of us (myself included) can forget what’s really important in life when we love our jobs.
    Marcy Kennedy’s last blog post ..Why Every Couple Should Play Video Games Together

    • Ali

      Thanks, Marcy! I absolutely love my writing … but Paul and I have known pretty much since we started dating that one day, we were going to want a family — and that we’d want to make that a priority in our lives.

  3. Farhan

    Congratulations! Take care of yourself and the baby.

    • Ali

      Thanks, Farhan — and will do!

  4. Karen

    Congratulations Ali, what lovely news.

    • Ali

      Thanks, Karen!

  5. Pwassonne

    Congratulations ! ^^

    • Ali

      Thanks, Pwassonne!

  6. Samar

    Omg Ali! Congratulations! πŸ˜€

    First pregnancies are always so special – even when they don’t feel like it πŸ™‚

    I’d say enjoy the coming months and make them as special as you can. I won’t tell you to sleep while you can before you won’t have the choice because I’d rather be up enjoying every minute than sleep. At least that’s how I spent my time when I was expecting Z.

    Congratulations once again. So happy for you!
    Samar’s last blog post ..5 Reasons Freelancers Accept Low-Paying Work And How To Break Free Of Them

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Samar! After a few weeks of sleeping for about 12 hours a day, I’m sort of relieved to be up and about and full of energy again… but I’m definitely planning to take things easy as the due date gets closer. πŸ™‚

      It definitely feels like a special time. I keep being taken aback yet again when I remember there’s a human being growing inside me … still can’t quite get my head round that!

      • LycoRogue

        Considering it’s been 10 months and I STILL can’t wrap my mind around the fact that I have a husband, I can totally understand the “OMG I have a human growing inside of me!?” moments! πŸ˜€
        LycoRogue’s last blog post ..Yeah…. About that writing….

    • Ali

      Thank you, Elizabeth! I’m very grateful to have such a wonderful and supportive community here on Aliventures. πŸ™‚

  7. Cathy Baker

    Congrats! Our first grandchild was the “first” on both sides of the family — prepare for lots of pampering! I’m very happy for you and your family. I look forward to your updates. Blessings…
    Cathy Baker’s last blog post ..Oh, The Things We Do For Love

    • Ali

      Thank you! Yes, it’s exciting being first — my mum, in particular, is absolutely thrilled.

  8. aurora

    Oh Ali,
    congrats! I’m so happy for you!!!!! You’re a super woman very inspirational human being!
    Happy happy days for both of us!!!!

    warm regards
    aurora’s last blog post ..Celebrating raw day

    • Ali

      Thank you very much! πŸ™‚

  9. Steve Maurer

    Congratulations, young lady!

    And give my regards to the proud father as well! I know they often get left out in all the excitement. I can understand how your life will certainly change. My daughter just had my first granddaughter and things have certainly changed around here.

    Mary and I wish you all the best in your “new endeavor” together. Take care of yourself, eat right, take walks, look both ways before crossing the street and love each other. Your little one will feel it all. (gosh, I sound like such a father, don’t I).

    Love from our family . . . to yours,
    Steve Maurer
    Steve Maurer’s last blog post ..What Your Writer Needs to Know

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Steve! (And Paul says thanks too!) I hope you’re having a wonderful time being a grandfather. πŸ™‚

      I’ve definitely been more motivated to eat sensibly and to take things easy since finding out about the baby … and yes, I’m taking care near traffic too! It’s definitely put life into a new perspective. πŸ™‚

      Lots of love to your family as well; hope everyone is doing brilliantly.

  10. Corianne

    Wow, that’s great news! Congratulations!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Corianne!

  11. Gretchen Knapp

    What delightful news! Congratulations to you both!

    Gretchen Knapp

    • Ali

      Thanks, Gretchen!

  12. Ricardo Bueno

    Wow Ali, that is such awesome news! Congratulations!! So very happy for you!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Ricardo!

  13. Faun

    Wonderful news! Congratulations….I’m so very happy for you!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Faun!

  14. Maria Smith

    Great news! Congratulations to you both. Exciting times ahead.

    • Ali

      Thanks, Maria! Yes, we’re ready for a whole new adventure… πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Kyeli! πŸ˜€ And I’m afraid this means I probably won’t see you and Pace (or anyone else in the US…) for a good while now… sending love back to you. xx

  15. LycoRogue

    I think we can all forgive you for going “off topic” in order to deliver this news! Super congratulations to you both and enjoy this new chapter in your life…. (I know, I know… but I couldn’t resist the pun!).

    Such a cool way to let your fans/readers/online buddies know!
    LycoRogue’s last blog post ..Yeah…. About that writing….

    • Ali

      Thank you! πŸ˜€

      When we told my Granny that we were going to put the baby scan photos on Facebook, she didn’t like the idea (“fancy showing your unborn baby to the world!”) But we thought everyone would like a peek — weird as it is to be showing you all the inside of my womb!

  16. Judy Christie

    Congratulations from Louisiana! What wonderful news! I enjoy your blog and appreciate your writing encouragement. Judy Christie

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Judy! And thanks for reading. I’m hoping to be back into the swing of blog posts very soon…!

  17. Stephanie

    Congratulations Ali. I’m so happy for you and your family. Take care. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Stephanie!

  18. Kelvin Wealth

    Hi Ali,
    I really can feel the excitement in you as you wrote this post and respond to comments.
    I really wish you the best as you step into another phase of your life… And please send my love to your baby… We can’t wait for February to see the baby…

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Kelvin! We’re very much looking forward to seeing the baby too — and we’ll be sure to post some pictures in February. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Laura! I’ve been using the baby as a great excuse to have mid-day naps… πŸ˜‰ (Have recovered my energy in the last couple of weeks, though.)

  19. Tat

    Congratulations, that’s wonderful news. So exciting!
    Tat’s last blog post ..Grateful for warm home

    • Ali

      Thanks, Tat!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Launa!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Rebecca!

  20. DogsMom

    I have not been around much myself but you have a much better reason.

    • Ali

      Thanks! And I think we all need (and deserve) a break from time to time, whatever the reason. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks! And well guessed, too. πŸ™‚

  21. Jeanna

    Congratulations! I’m very happy for you and your family. Rest well and enjoy!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Jeanna!

  22. Birdy Diamond

    I was thinking, as I was clicking, “I bet….” and yup! I was right! πŸ™‚ :>
    So happy for you & yours! πŸ™‚ :>
    Birdy Diamond’s last blog post ..TwOOwls Art – Cooling Waters

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Birdy! And well guessed. πŸ™‚ One or two of our friends and relatives had a little inkling of the news to come, too!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Rohi!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Carole!

  23. Adam Smith

    Congratulations! That’s so awesome!
    Adam Smith’s last blog post ..Living Too Safe

    • Ali

      Thanks, Adam!

  24. Anna Rita

    It’s a fantastic news. Congratulations!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Anna!

  25. Amir

    Nice, very surprising for me πŸ˜€

    I think you must think about opening a new blog for parenting tips and guidelines, it will rock πŸ˜›

    • Ali

      Thanks Amir! And maybe there’ll be a new blog in the future… πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, David! We’re very much looking forward to the adventure. πŸ™‚

  26. Candice

    Congrats Ali! That’s wonderful news…

    • Ali

      Thanks, Candice!

  27. Priska

    Congratulations! How wonderful.

    • Ali

      Thanks, Priska!

    • Ali

      Thanks, Icy!

  28. Rebecca Scalese

    Woah, congrats! Good luck with the remaining preggy months and enjoy becoming a mom πŸ™‚
    I don’t know what to add, so, cheers!

    • Ali

      Thank you! πŸ˜€ I’m kinda looking forward to growing a bump (I’m sure I’ll get tired of it before long though ;-))

  29. Prime

    Congrats Ali! This is is such a blessing and i for one also think that your business decision (like letting go of coaching and concentrating on writers Huddle is the right one!
    Prime’s last blog post ..Q & A: Loes Van Mierlo on Spiritual Journeys

    • Ali

      Thanks, Prime! It’s been tough to let go of the coaching (mostly because I felt bad telling my clients that I had to say goodbye) … but I want the Huddle to get as much of my time and attention as possible. Thanks for affirming my decision! πŸ™‚

  30. TNeal

    Nothing like baby news to get comments. Congrats, Ali. Couldn’t help but think of Michael Hyatt’s recent post when I read your wonderful news. God bless–Tom
    TNeal’s last blog post ..When Did My Faith Become A Job That Sucks?

    • Ali

      Thanks, Tom. πŸ™‚ I was very excited about being mentioned on Michael Hyatt’s blog, too — just not quite as excited as I am about the baby!

  31. Shlomo Skinner

    Congratulations. Thanks for sharing this news.

    I hope all goes easily for you the next few months. I wish you and your husband success with the challenges of being new parents.

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Shlomo. We’re both feeling a tiny bit daunted, but we know we’ve got many wonderful supportive family members who will be there to help out. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Lexus! (Hey, another Luke! I don’t think I’ve met anyone outside my husband’s family with the same surname before…) πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Stephen!

  32. Lois Turley

    Oh, how precious! Being a mother is the greatest job on earth, and sometimes it is the toughest also. But to see your children turn out well because you took time to be a real mother who is there for them in tough times and good…there is no greater reward than that. Congratulations on your new Aliventure!

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Lois! My own mum has been a fantastic and constant support to me — I only hope I can manage the same for my own kids. πŸ™‚

  33. Cally Jackson

    Congratulations, Ali! I’m 19 weeks pregnant myself so totally understand the drop in posts recently. My blog went pretty quiet for a while too. Hope your pregnancy progresses smoothly. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Congratulations to you too, Cally! And thank you. πŸ™‚ I hope all’s going well for you too.

  34. Tracy Campbell

    Congratulations, Ali…and Paul.
    Exciting news for sure.
    All the best.

    • Ali

      Thanks, Tracy!

  35. Lisa Shaughnessy

    Congrats to you and Paul, Ali!! That is awesome news – so happy for you both! πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Lisa!

  36. Bridges Stevenson

    I’m so excited for you Ali,

    I mean that. Having a baby is one of the most amazing things me and my wife have ever experienced. I’ll definitely be adding you to my prayer list and I hope your pregnancy is a smooth one. If you are registering anywhere please let me know as I would love to get something for your littlre guy or gal.

    Best wishes to you and Paul.


    p.s. you’ll be tired, but a baby is the best reason to be deprived of sleep

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Bridges. And thanks for your prayers too — that’s so much appreciated. We haven’t really thought about registering anywhere for the baby (it’s not something that happens so much in the UK!) but I will let you know if we do. Thanks so much for thinking of us.

      Luckily, I’m someone who naps easily during the daytime! Gonna do my best to sleep while baby is sleeping, in the early days. πŸ™‚

  37. Karen

    Congratulations, Ali!! A lucky little boy. . .
    Karen’s last blog post ..After The Rain

    • Ali

      Thanks, Karen! We don’t know yet whether it’ll be a boy or a girl (Luke’s our surname … it confuses a lot of people…!) Hoping to find out in a couple of months’ time, though. πŸ™‚

  38. Kristen

    Blessings and health your way….. Awesome! And what an adventure this will be and will continue to be. More prizes, hidden treasure and special moments await you and Paul. My mom is now 84 and I’m the baby for her line of children, I turn 50 this December . And our adventures are still joyously delicious.

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Kristen! We’re both very much looking forward to the adventure of being parents. πŸ™‚

  39. Ehsan Ullah

    Hey Ali,

    I must congratulate you for this. Take good care of yourself in pregnancy time and I’ll be waiting for the cute pictures of baby boy with you after Feb 21st 2013.
    Ehsan Ullah’s last blog post ..Build Online Stores In Minutes Using IzzoNet

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Ehsan. πŸ™‚ We don’t know yet if the baby’s a boy or a girl (we’re calling him/her “Baby Luke” because our surname is Luke!) but will hopefully find out at our next scan.

    • Ali

      That might be a bit much for me…! But it’s a nice idea, might take some photos to keep for the future at least. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Diane!

  40. Tinkyarny


    • Ali


  41. Barbara McDowell Whitt

    Ali, I’m so happy for you and your husband and your families. Our first daughter was born on February 21, 1979. Her first child (also a daughter) was born a month ago on July 14, 2012.

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Barbara. I hope your daughter and granddaughter are both doing well. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks Farouk!

    • Ali

      Thanks Donna!

    • Ali

      Thanks Peter! Yeah, we figure the sooner we start getting things prepared and organised, the smoother everything will go…

  42. Jackie Hinton

    Congrats ali love the outline anythig post i live by it .

    • Ali

      Thanks Jackie — and really glad the “outline anything” post has been helpful for you too. πŸ™‚

  43. Amanda

    Congratulations Ali to you and Paul! Scan pictures are so wonderful and help you get to know the bundle before the arrival. Blog all you want about baby topics, you can never get too much baby! My boys are now both 18 and 21 and I’m looking forward to the day I can be a grandma (though not too quickly) I’m still enjoying playing mum with them both at home.

    Really excited for you.


    Amanda’s last blog post ..No Excuses Giveaway – The Final Hours!

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Amanda! We’re ever so excited too … and I’m sure I won’t be able to resist sneaking in an update or two about the baby, as things progress.

      When Paul was 18 and starting university, his mum told him in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t ready to be a grandmother just yet. Ten years on, she’s thrilled about the news, of course. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks, Slavko!

  44. Gerty

    Congratulations! How wonderful to be expecting your first child. I am happy for you and your whole family, and it would be fine with me if you added a few parenting updates now and again. πŸ˜‰

    • Ali

      Thanks Gerty! And I’m sure I’ll be updating the blog with a bit of baby-related news from time to time… πŸ™‚

  45. Kent Chen

    Congratulations! It is a joy to know that you are having an additional member to your wonderful family!

    • Ali

      Thanks Kent! We’re very pleased. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks Sonia! Yeah, we’re pretty excited. πŸ˜€

  46. Ken

    So, if I had been doing a better job of keeping up with the blog I would not have been surprised by the newsletter announcement. Congratulations to you both (again). I agree that a life change of this magnitude is the perfect time to re-evaluate; it helps to focus on what is really important in one’s life. I wish you and your (growing) family all the best and look forward to sharing in the excitement!

    • Ali

      Thanks so much, Ken! I’ll definitely be blogging a little about the journey. πŸ™‚

    • Ali

      Thanks Zac! And yeah, hope so — maybe I can hand Aliventures over in a few years… πŸ˜‰

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