The World-Changing Writing Workshop

World Changing Writing WorkshopLet me say upfront that this isn’t a review, or even my usual sort of recommendation, and as such, contains no affiliate links. (I’ll only use affiliate links for stuff I’m personally using.)

I’m not taking part in Pace and Kyeli’s World-Changing Writing Workshop (much as I’d love to) because, for once, I’m taking my own advice and keeping myself focused on the other projects and courses that I’ve got going on.

However… if you’ve got a little bit of time to spare, especially if you’re keen to take your writing or blogging to the next level, I highly suggest that you check this out.

First, though, here’s why I’m so confident recommending it:

Pace and Kyeli are Awesome

I met Pace and Kyeli at SXSW, and was struck by how lovely, bubbly, sincere and smart they both are. I’d come across them online, but never made much connection before – and I’m so glad that I did.

You know how you meet people and you just trust them, totally? They’re that kind of people. They’re honest and kind and generous, and lots of fun.

I’d have no hesitation buying and recommending their stuff, because I know them.

“The Usual Error” and “52 Weeks to Awesome” are … Awesome!

Pretty much as soon as I got home from SXSW, I ordered Pace and Kyeli’s book The Usual Error. I’d heard good things about it, and it’d actually been on my Amazon wishlist for a while, I’d just never got round to buying it.

It’s a little book which contains some huge ideas and awesome insights.

A bit later, I swapped Pace and Kyeli a copy of my ebook The Blogger’s Guide to Effective Writing for their email course 52 Weeks to Awesome. I’m only a couple of weeks in (I’ll be reviewing the course around this time next year!) but I’ve found it seriously uplifting and valuable thus far.

The World-Changing Writing Workshop will be Awesome too!

There are some great names lined up for the World-Changing Writing Workshop:

  • Chris Guillebeau
  • Jonathan Fields
  • Danielle LaPorte
  • Colleen Wainwright
  • Jennifer Louden

You’ve probably heard of some (if not all) of them before. You can find out more about them, and what they’ll be teaching, over on the World-Changing Writing Workshop page.

They’re mainly non-fiction writers, but a lot of the points lined up for discussion would apply to fiction writing too.

I’d really urge you to go and take a look at the workshop – and definitely sign up for the totally free World-Changing Writing Overview, so that you can get some more information. Pre-registration opens soon, and I imagine you’re gonna want to be quick in order to get in on this.

And if you take the workshop? Tell Pace and Kyeli how much you love it (cos you will!) and persuade them to run it again in the autumn so that I can do it too. 😉

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