Writers’ Huddle Open for New Members (Only Until Friday June 12th)

2 Jun 2015 | Old post

As of yesterday, my community / teaching site, Writers’ Huddle, is now open for new members. 🙂 The last time I took in new members was before I headed off on maternity leave in November, so if you’ve been waiting eagerly since then to join, head on over there now! (Quick note: if you got an email through my newsletter list, or as an On Track member, and tried to join yesterday but hit a PayPal error, please give it another try! I’ve tweaked the “join now” button code.) If you’d like to know a little bit more about Writers’ Huddle, just read on…

What is Writers’ Huddle?

Writers’ Huddle is a private members site for writers of all ages and levels. It’s been running for three and a half years now. Most members have done a fair bit of writing, though for some, that was a long time ago. Some are full-time or part-time freelancers, some are published authors, and many others are plugging away with novels / short stories / blogs / poetry / memories … The site includes lots of teaching content (from me and from guests) to help you take your writing further. There are also forums where Huddlers hang out, chat about writing, share useful tips and leads, and critique one another’s work.

What Do I Get When I Join?

As soon as you join, you get access to:
  • All 40 (so far!) past seminars – these are mainly audio (some video), and each seminar has a full transcript, edited for easy reading
  • Two full e-courses, On Track and Blog On
  • Four mini courses, covering fiction-writing, Microsoft Word, setting up a blog, and Twitter
  • The Writers’ Huddle forums: full of interesting conversations and great ideas
  • A short ebook, Seven Pillars of Great Writing

What Do I Get Each Month?

There’s always fresh content in the Huddle, including: A new seminar each month on an aspect of writing: in audio and transcript form (sometimes also video). Often, we have guest speakers join me to discuss a particular area of their expertise. Weekly emails letting you know what’s new and highlighting interesting forum topics. These are designed to help you stay on top of what’s going on in Writers’ Huddle, so you can make the most of your membership. During the rest of 2015, we’ll also have: A six-week summer challenge to help you make serious progress on a writing project of your choice. Two new, full-length, ecourses:
  • Launching Your Freelancing Career
  • Self-Publishing an Ebook
The ecourses will initially be available week by week, so we can work through them as a group. After that, they’ll stay available in the Huddle for members to use at any time in future.

How Much Does it Cost?

I know that writers aren’t generally a rich lot (I still vividly remember the first $20 I got from freelancing!) so I’ve kept membership at the same rate as it was a couple of years ago. Writers’ Huddle costs just $19.99 per month, paid through PayPal, and you can cancel at any time. You can also try out Writers’ Huddle risk-free: if you join and decide it’s not for you (for any reason) then just let me know within your first 30 days. I’ll refund your membership fee.

How Long is Writers’ Huddle Open For?

Only until Friday June 12th, so please check it out today if you think you might be interested in joining. (I don’t plan to open the doors again until October, as we’re moving house this summer and I want to make sure I have plenty of time to get new members settled in.) If you’d like to know more, just head on over to the Writers’ Huddle information page, which has details on everything you get as a member. If you have any questions, just pop a comment below. You’re also very welcome to email me (ali@aliventures.com) or contact me through the Aliventures contact form here.


I’m Ali Luke, and I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two children.

Aliventures is where I help you master the art, craft and business of writing.

My Novels

My contemporary fantasy trilogy is available from Amazon. The books follow on from one another, so read Lycopolis first.

You can buy them all from Amazon, or read them FREE in Kindle Unlimited.


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